R & D Efforts

R & D Efforts of Marudhar International

  • Marudhar International as a global player and a constant exporter has established a modern Research & Development laboratory with most modern equipment such as Gretag Macbeth Color Eye XTS Spectrophotometer (USA make), HPLC, TLC, Paper Chromotograph etc.
  • Our technical experts' creative work is based on the most modern research technique. We are constantly developing new products to meet the customer's demanding requirements. Our R & D work specialize:

    1. Innovation of new product and techniques.
    2. Sophistication in instrumentation.
    3. Research for availability of new raw materials with International quality and standards.
    4. Research for new cost effective product.
    5. Adopt innovation in process technology.
    6. Develop eco-friendly product and concentrate on green environment management.
  • Pilot Plant:
    Conceiving and developing a product through R & D and actual production process is quite different as it may depend on many parameters such as ambient conditions, volume etc.
  • We have a Pilot Plant comprising of a variety of Reactors, Filter Press, Roto Dryer, Blender etc. Simulation of actual manufacturing conditions help us in defining a cost effective and quality product with the minimum possible manufacturing time.
  • Our capabilities to achieve customer's requirements of an international quality product within the stipulated time frame has always helped us in strengthening our business process and reaching out to new horizons.